4 Powerful Obatala prayer for money, healing and protection

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In African religion and culture there are some powerful Obatala prayer for money, healing and protection. As we all know prayers are effective way to connect with divine spirits known as Orishas.

Orisha are divine spirits that are central to the Yoruba religion of West Africa and several other African religions. They are also worshipped by the edo, ewe, and Fon peoples.

Obatala is none other than a divine spirits and you can ask them for money, healing and protection. It’s all part of spiritual prayers.

There are lot of way to celebrate spirituality in African culture and connecting with divine spirits is one of the popular way.

You can do Obatala prayer for money, healing and protection but keep in mind during the time of ritual and prayer you ask for things that are related to these divine spirits.

Obatala prayer for money
Obatala prayer for money protection and healing

 Obatala or Orishas (singular: orisha) both are divine spirits that play a key role in the Yoruba religion of west Africa and several religions of the African diaspora that derive from it, such as Haitian Vaudou, Cuban, Dominican and Puerto Rican Santería and Brazilian Candomblé.

If you are looking for some best ritual to do for money, protection and healing you should perform one of them.

Here are detailed guide on how to do Obatala prayer for money, protection and healing.

Who is Obatala in the bible?

Obatala was the creator. At the start, the earth was covered by water.

Olodumare, the supreme god of the sky, told Obatala to make land. Obatala came down to earth with a hen, a pigeon, and a calabash with dry soil.

He dropped the soil into the water, then let the hen and pigeon scatter it around.

After this, Obatala went back to Olodumare and reported that land had been created. Olodumare sent a chameleon to check the land, and the chameleon confirmed that there was plenty of land.

Next, Olodumare asked Obatala to create humans. Obatala went to Ife with the necessary materials and started making humans from clay. However, he got very tired and drank palm wine, which made him drunk.

As he worked while drunk, he created various afflicted people. Eventually, he fell asleep.

Some believe that Esu, the divine trickster and messenger of Orunmila, tempted Obatala with the palm wine because he was unhappy with Obatala’s work.

Seeing that Obatala was not doing the job right, Olodumare sent Oduduwa to finish it. Oduduwa found Obatala asleep, took the creation materials, and made his own people for Ife, leading them as their leader.

When Obatala woke up and saw he had been replaced, he struggled with Oduduwa.

There’s also a belief that the earth and the heavens are like a gourd and its cover floating on water, with the submerged part representing the other world or the home of invisible forces.

You can try these powerful Obatala prayer for money, healing and protection as they are effective way to connecting with divine spirits and asking them for help.

How to do Obatala prayer for money and healing with divine help?

How to do Obatala prayer for money and healing with divine help
How to do Obatala prayer for money and healing with divine help?

You can easily do some powerful prayers to Obatala with reverence, sincerity, and a respectful approach. For better experience and success you can follow our ritual guide share here.

This Obatala prayer for money ritual divided in 3 steps and each steps have their own spiritual effect so be careful while doing these rituals.

Preparation for Obatala summoning

  • Create a Clean Space: Make sure the area where you will pray is clean and free of clutter. Obatala values cleanliness and purity.
  • White Cloth or Altar: Use a white cloth or set up an altar. White is the color associated with Obatala.
  • Offerings: Common offerings to Obatala include white candles, coconuts, white flowers, white wine, milk, shea butter, and yam. Make sure the offerings are fresh and presented with respect.

Obatala prayer for money, healing and protection

  • Light the Candle: Light a white candle to symbolize purity and enlightenment.
  • Calm Your Mind: Take a few moments to relax. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and clear your mind.
  • Invocation: Start by calling upon Obatala. You can say something like: “Obatala, Orisha of wisdom, peace, and purity, I call upon your divine presence and guidance.”
  • State Your Intentions: Clearly state what you are praying for. Be specific about your needs, whether it’s money, peace, protection, or healing.
  • Offer Your Prayer: Recite your prayer to Obatala. Speak from your heart and express your faith and trust in his power.
  • Gratitude: End your prayer with thanks. Express gratitude for Obatala’s listening and the blessings you have received and will receive. You might say: “Thank you, Obatala, for your divine presence and guidance. I am grateful for your blessings and the peace you bring into my life.”

After ritual ceremony of Obatala prayer for money and healing

  • Sit in Silence: After your prayer, sit quietly for a few moments. Allow yourself to feel the connection and the peace.
  • Leave Offerings: Place your offerings on the altar or in a designated spot. Let them stay there for a respectful period before disposing of them in a natural way.
  • Maintain Cleanliness: Keep the area around your altar or prayer space clean and pure as a sign of ongoing respect.

You need to do these Obatala prayer for money and divine helps as a part of daily routine. Make praying to Obatala a regular part of your routine. Regular communication and respect will strengthen your connection.

For success Live mindfully by embodying the qualities of wisdom, peace, and purity in your daily life. This will reflect Obatala’s influence in your actions.

Here are 4 powerful Obatala prayer for money, healing and protection and their related purpose.

Obatala prayer for money

You can do this powerful and effective prayer to Obatala for money shared here.

Obatala, guardian of Heaven’s treasury,
Hear my humble plea, O father of light,
Bestow upon me the blessings of abundance,
Guide my steps toward prosperity and wealth.

With your divine wisdom, open paths before me,
So I may find success and financial security,
Let your white robe of purity cover my endeavors,
Granting me opportunities to prosper and thrive.

May your calm and clear spirit cleanse my fears,
And fill my heart with courage and determination,
Bless my efforts with your holy favor,
So that I may live in abundance and share with others.

Obatala, in your infinite grace, grant me the means,
To provide for myself and those I hold dear,
With gratitude and faith, I offer this prayer,
Trusting in your power to bring prosperity near.

Obatala Prayer for Peace and inner wisdom

Obatala, Orisha of peace and clarity,
I come before you seeking your serene presence,
Fill my heart with your tranquil light,
And grant me the gift of inner peace.

In times of turmoil and strife, be my guide,
Calm the storms that rage within and around me,
Help me to see with clarity and understanding,
And to act with wisdom and compassion.

Let your white robe of purity envelop my soul,
Bringing calmness and serenity to my spirit,
Guide my thoughts and actions towards harmony,
And help me to spread peace wherever I go.

Obatala, bring your divine peace to my life,
So that I may live in harmony with all creation,
With gratitude, I offer this prayer to you,
Trusting in your power to bring peace and love.

Prayer to Obatala for Healing

Obatala, Master of healing and purity,
I come before you seeking your divine touch,
Heal my body, mind, and spirit,
And restore me to wholeness and vitality.

In your infinite wisdom, bring me clarity,
Help me to see the path to health and well-being,
Let your pure white light cleanse my ailments,
And fill me with strength and renewal.

Guide the hands of those who care for me,
Grant them the wisdom and skill to heal,
Comfort my soul with your gentle presence,
And ease my pain with your loving grace.

Obatala, bring your healing power into my life,
Restore me to balance and harmony,
With gratitude and faith, I offer this prayer,
Trusting in your power to bring me healing and peace.

Prayer to Obatala for Protection

Obatala, guardian of purity and truth,
I call upon your divine protection and strength,
Shield me from harm and negativity,
And surround me with your powerful light.

Guide my steps and watch over my path,
Protect me from dangers seen and unseen,
Let your wisdom guide my decisions,
And your purity cleanse my surroundings.

Wrap your white robe around me as a shield,
Guarding me from all that seeks to harm,
Strengthen my spirit and fortify my resolve,
So I may face life’s challenges with courage.

Obatala, with your divine protection,
I find safety and security in your embrace,
With gratitude, I offer this prayer to you,
Trusting in your power to keep me safe.

Offering guide for Obatala and other divine Orishas spirits

When offering something to Obatala, it should show his qualities of purity, wisdom, and peace. Here are some good options during Obatala prayer for money, protection and healing:

White Candle, Coconuts, White Flowers, White Wine or Milk, Shea Butter, Yam or Cassava, White Cloth, Silver Items, White Cornmeal, Eggs. These all option resemble purity and peace so you can add them as your offering to Obatala or other Orishas spirits.

Right way to present your offering to Obatala

Make sure all offerings are clean and presented respectfully.

Place them on a white cloth or altar for Obatala.

While giving the offerings, clearly state your intentions and prayers.

Leave the offerings on the altar for a respectful period, then dispose of them naturally, like by returning them to the earth.

How to setup offering for regular practice

Offering with Obatala prayer for money add some meaningful way of rituals. You can simply prepare an offering setup for your regular practice as provided here.

Clean the Area: Make sure the space where you will be making the offerings is tidy and uncluttered.

Set the Altar: Cover the altar with a white cloth. Alter is most essential part of Obatala prayer for money, protection and divine help.

Place Offerings:

  • Light a white candle and put it in the center.
  • Arrange white flowers in a vase.
  • Put a bowl of white coconut pieces and another bowl with white wine or milk.
  • Include a small dish of Shea butter and some pieces of yams or cassava.
  • Any silver items or white cornmeal if you like.
Spiritual way to summon Obatala prayer for money, healing and protection conclusion

You can connect with divine spirits like Obatala and Orishas for spiritual guidance and help. In African culture prayers and offering are deeply meaningful traditional practice.

You can create a peaceful offering place for your daily practice and perform some Obatala prayer for money, healing and protection.

Offering and honoring can help you to connect with Obatala’s serene energy and ask him to influence your life in a positive way.

You can follow any one of these 4 powerful spiritual prayer to Obatala and Orishas divine spirits of African Culture.

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